
Correcting the internet...

I slept most of the day away. I feel bad though as it is my wife's only day off this week and that meant she ended up having to take care of our youngest all day. I hate for her to have limited time off and then have to spend it watching him and taking care of me, who is still sick with strep. While I have not gone to the doctor for anti-biotics it has been tolerable thanks to the pain meds for the back.

I decided to stop by Wikipedia today to see what they had on arachnoiditis. I was glad to see that they had some information on it but I was shocked to see that they had it listed as NOT being progressive. I guess that is what you get though when Joe Q Public is allowed to edit any document on the site. It no longer has the error on there and I added a link to the COFWA website. I understand errors are a way of life but to say that this disease is not progressive is mind boggling.

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