
Karma can be a pain in the ass...

I am feeling pretty good today. While I did not sleep well at all last night I was able to catch some sleep before my wife had to head in for work so I am all right. I ended up wide awake at 1am this morning and decided to move down to the recliner to get comfortable. I figured a 30 minute session online reading the early news and I would be back asleep. Somewhere around 6am I was still wide awake. I figure I jinxed myself at the doctors office. I told him about how well I have been sleeping as well I had also been "bragging" about it to my wife earlier in the day. Karma is a pain in the ass sometimes.

The back and leg have been acting up a bit today though. Nothing to worry about just a bit more pain then normal and the numbness in my foot is certainly more pronounced. I would put money on the lack of sleep though as a primary culprit there. I know when I am tired I tend to notice the pain more. It is one of the reasons people with chronic pain should make sure they are not only sleeping well but doing their best to reduce the other stresses in life. It is difficult, I know all too well, but it must be done. Keeping those outside influences in check will help keep the pain levels down as well as reduce the need for breakthrough pain meds.

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