
Hit the old swimming hole...

We spent some time at my parents house last night and hit the pool for some swimming. I tried to use a second dressing over the lidoderm patch to keep it from becoming wet in the water but that worked for about 5 minutes. Looks like I will have to figure something else out for that or just leave the patches off while in the pool.

We did have a small problem with my son in the kiddie pool though. The bottom of the pool has a tile design on it which he slipped on and was not able to recover himself. Watching that made it very clear to me why you hear about children drowning in shallow water. He was not able to recover his footing but they are too light to hit the bottom where they might be able to do so, almost like they are "weightless" in the water. Of course the whole time they are frightened so they are sucking down water and that is a problem. Of course in our case it was only a second before we grabbed him and stood him up (this is why you watch your kids people!) and he started laughing. It did not phase him one bit.

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