
A little retro this morning...

I was listening to some songs over the internet while my son was coloring and when the song went off he came over demanding that I turn the music back on. He then of course started telling me to dance with him.

Surprising is that I am listening to some old Metal this morning, just one of those moods, and that is what he wants me playing. I switched it to something more "appropriate" for him but he wanted nothing to do with that. I even tried to switch it to something a little lighter but that was a no-go too. Nope, he wanted to listen to some old Motley Crüe and Cinderella. I was as shocked as most people to find that my 2 year old wants to listen to that. I figured he would be wanting me to throw on the ABC song, again and again and again...

A lazy day since my throat is killing me. I did get the kiddie pool inflated but I need to wait until mom gets home to take it out and fill it up. Someone disconnected the hose and dragged it into the back yard. That means I would need to leave him alone for a few minutes while I went to the front side of the house to hook the hose up and that's not going to happen. I also grabbed an old fitted sheet to spread across the top of the pool for the evening when he is not using in hopes of keeping all the leaves and as much other junk out as I can. If I can find the old grommet gun I will put a few around the edges so we can stake it down. I just don't want to have to empty it every other day to get all the crap out and no one likes a kiddie pool with all the dirt in the bottom.

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