
When in charge, be in charge...

Missed a few days of posting...whoops!

I am still here and doing fine. My wife has been working the morning shift which leaves me with my son for the entire day. She is gone by 4am and not home until dinner time and by then she is so tired that I am still with my son. I hate it when she works these shifts, more so when her soon to be moving GM schedules her on them and then does not give her 2 days off in a row. Like I said though this is his last month here and then he is GONE!

He is one of those bosses who makes sure he gets his vacation days off as well all his time off is 2 days in a row and so on. I understand being the boss has its perks but this is a store that is short staffed on managers. They should have 5, they have 3. Yet while my wife and the other manager are working their asses off the slug GM is coasting by. Like I said, leadership has its perks but times like this is when it also sucks to be the boss. It means you chip in the extra little bit to get over the hump. It also means you get off your ass and find the help you need.

I did get a good laugh from this though because the GM was busted out by the big wigs at the national HQ. Apparently they stopped by the store during a busy period and found no manager on duty. The GM had left an hourly employee in charge and he was off doing something personal with his kids. Uh-oh!

Anyway, my wife is finally off tomorrow so we have a day together.

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