
My back is done!

The storms that rolled through here last night have left my bones creaking and aching this afternoon. It rained so much last night that we got more rain in a few hours then we normally get in the entire month and now most of the county roads are flooded.

I did not do much today as I was up until 6 this morning. I was waiting for my son to call me when they got to his mothers house and for some reason a trip that generally takes no more then 9 hours took them 11, so rather then 1am they were home close to 4am and after that I was wide awake. I ended up coming downstairs and watching Tora Tora Tora for a bit and finally feel asleep about 7:30 or so in the recliner. Other then that I have not done much of anything.

Sorry, just kind of a hum-drum day without the oldest here.

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