
Ketchup anyone?

My son decided that he wanted to wear his dinner this evening. Of course he picked the night where he had both a ramekin of ketchup for his burger (he will not eat it with it on the bun, he has to dip it) and a Jello pudding cup for desert. Mixed together they make a nice "black" tar like substance that would hold together even the tallest pompadour. Of course I underestimated the number of wipes I would need for the task and had to leave the table twice to get more and each time I came back there seemed to be more Jello and Ketchup then when I left just 3 seconds ago. Since it is just the 2 of us this evening there was no asking for someone to give me a hand in the process and it took me a good 4 minutes to finally have him clean enough to just get down from the table. Guess it is time to go dunk him into a bubble bath as no matter how clean you get them after a ketchup bath they still smell like it, bleeech.....

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