
Getting out of bed in the mornings is getting tougher by the day, or so it seems. The stiffness is just amazing, almost like I have been in the same position for weeks and atrophy is set in. I can literally hear my bones creaking as they try to adjust to a different position and I end up using the log roll to get out of the bed most of the time.

The pain, when it is going, sucks but I would have to say that the stiffness is the worst. Trying to do simple tasks hurts, walking is done somewhat hunched over because you cannot stand straight. It can make getting around a bit tough especially with the child proof gates all over the house and is one of the reasons I have gone to using the cane most of the time.

Today started out with the thunderstorms like the last few days but they blew by rather quickly. Thankfully as well because I am not sure I could have handled my son bouncing off the walls from the thunder all day long. Once the storm ended we took a quick jaunt out of the house to buy some stuff for projects during the week. Nothing fancy just your regular old construction paper, crayons, stick glue, glitter and so on. How smart it is to let a 2 year old play with some of this stuff I am not sure but it's all non-toxic and washable so how bad can it be? Besides if it helps me keep him happy and out of the tv room for a bit each day then it is worth it.

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