
Wanna watch Spongebob?

"What is something my wife asks my son at 4am" Alex?

That's right. Just in from closing the store, she goes through her evening routine of relaxing with a cup of tea and vegging on Yahoo! games for a bit before heading upstairs for bed.

Well this evening, or morning, she came upstairs and by the time she did our son (2 1/2) had climbed into bed with me. Of course the second his spidey senses noticed "mommy" in the room he was crawling across the bed to her to cuddle and sleep. What possessed her to do so I have no idea but she asked the above question to what she thought was a sleeping son. He popped right awake of course and now at 4:30 in the morning wants to watch Spongebob Squarepants. Of course her bright idea was to simply come downstairs and throw on the episode I recorded on TiVO but what she did not know was that daddy had already erased it last night prior to bed. He figured that somewhere between 9pm and 7am we would not be needing it so it was perfectly safe to go ahead and delete. By the time we would be back up and downstairs it would have recorded the next episode.

Anyone wanna guess whose fault it is that my son is up at 4:30 in the morning?

If you said hers you would be wrong...

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