
My head is pounding...

I woke this morning about 5:45 with the start of one of the monster headaches. This time I was prepared however and took Relpax and went back to bed for another 2 hours. However when I got up again the headache was still there. The directions say you can take a second one 2 hours after the first but I took my other meds for my back first as it was bothering me as well. That seems to have done the trick as I am now somewhat comfortable.

Since the diagnoses with the arach. the headaches seem to have gotten worse but after kicking it around with some other arach. patients some good ideas on why came out. One idea was that since the arach. is causing scaring in the spinal canal it is displacing cerebral spinal fluid which is causing increased pressure on the brain and the headaches. Another thought was syringomyelia which is possible since I did have 5 stellate ganglion blocks the C-6 as well as the epidural steroid injections. I will talk with my PCP and see if we can't get an MRI and diagnose this instead of guessing. Another thought was Arnold chiari malformation. While I have had many x-rays and CT scans of the area the reading I have done says that it is impossible to diagnose through x-ray and very difficult through CT scan. The best method other then surgery for diagnoses is MR with contrast. While I do not care for the MR if that is the only way to find out then I guess I am willing to do it.

If you would like to read more on Arnold chiari malformation check out Gil's blog here.

I wish more people with these conditions would start to blog. While there are some great sites and info on these conditions they all seem to be from the medical side of the house and give nothing on day to day expectations for those living with them. The blogs are a great tool to get the word out to those diagnosed. I know before I started blogging I was lost with all the info that I found and very little of it told me how it was day to day.

1 comment:

Saija said...

I would love it if my husband would get online and share some of his experiences - but the sitting and typing, etc. are more than he can tolerate (I just have a stand alone in our computer room - no laptop) . . . maybe that is the problem with others as well?

It is a scary world out there with regards to the pain/tests and the forever waiting people are subjected to in their search for a "cure" or even answers ... we understand your frustration - we were there in the 80's before being online became doable . . . it would be a truly wonderful thing if there was a HUB for arachnoiditis and doctors that have answers, all online!

I'll put another plug in for the T.E.N.S. . . . if it works for my husband (who is a skeptic on so many other types of "helps"), there might be hope that it would help you as well . . .

well he is watching football and I will go outside and carry wood (my exercise!) . . . hope your Sunday turns into one that gives your body some rest . . . Saija