
Woke to the sound of rain

Ah, rain! Maybe it will drive away this horrible humidity that has been lingering for a few days. While it has not been blazing hot it has been so humid that the second you step outside you are soaked.

Feeling good today, not a lot of pain this morning. My foot actually hurts more from where I kicked the damn fridge. It is nice and swollen so I have had to wear sandals to go out of the house, my sneaker won't fit with it as swollen as it is. D'oh!

Yesterday was spent trying to get my neighbors insurance company to pony up the $500 for my deductible. His tree came down during a storm and ripped all my utility lines out of the house, destroyed 40' of fence and ripped some siding from the house. The neighbor and I had a discussion not 1 month before this happened about the tree being in a state of decay and it needed to be either pruned or removed. He did neither and of course denies the conversation ever took place when the insurance company asked him about it. Uh Oh! To bad for him that as soon as we had the conversation I went and shot video and took pictures of it in case the need was ever there. I burned a copy and will send it to them today as well as video/pictures of the tree lying in my yard and a report from an arborist who backs up my claim that the tree was an accident waiting to happen.

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