

Here is a site about archnoiditis that I believe I missed in my links section.

For those who do not know what it is about, basically due to either sickness or injury to the arachnid membrane scar tissue starts to form around the nerves. Over time as the scar tissue grows it will hamper the nerves ability to function properly.

The time frame from when the injury/illness occurs and the scar tissue forms varies in each patient. Most of what I have read says years (like 10+) is about the average. Once again though I have to prove to every body that I am an above average kind of guy. My arachnoiditis was about a little over a year from all the surgery/epidurals.

Day to day is ok as long as I don't over do it. Generally you will find me on the couch as it reclines on both ends and I have found that if I prop some pillow just right I can stay like that for a few hours of relative pain free time. Some days however there is just no helping it and not even the pain meds will touch it. Those are the ones where I find a quiet spot and read. I have noticed that when I am having a bad day as far as pain levels, I am even shorter tempered then normal.

My foot is swollen from where I caught the fridge. It was truly one of those moment where I wish someone would have caught it on tape. I am sure it was worth $10K from America's Funniest Videos and maybe more!

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