
Another 0530 morning, I guess this is just the way it is going to be for awhile. I decided to spend it yet again online hitting the usual boards and researching some more information.

The pain is mild today, probably about a 4 on the 1-10 scale, so I decided I should mow the lawn before it gets to hot. 0830 is apparently still not early enough! It is hot and humid outside and the grass was way long. That's what I get for not paying the neighbor kid to mow it for me. Now the pain is about a 6 so I will get some ice out and sit on the couch for the rest of the morning. No school for the kids tomorrow so it is ok to be lazy for another day!

Since we hit the grocery store yesterday I have a pantry full of food and I am in a cooking mood. Maybe do something with a little zing or perhaps a nice piece of salmon. Whatever it is it will have to be baked as I have no plans on standing out in the muggy ass heat and the grill is out of LP.

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