
Have you seen this man?

Well I got out of the house today. Not just a shot to the gym or to play chauffeur to the masses. I actually got out and went to the mall and Wally-World. I have been on a hunt for a book on Visual Basic for Applications. Tons of info on the net about it but not what I am looking for. I have VB 6.0 but there are some minor code changes to make it work in Word. I downloaded the .NET framework and am half tempted to do it that way but since this will be running on 2 machines with different OS's I am not sure if the other will be able to. I guess I will just have to order it from Overstock.com

It was good to get out though. I can feel it however and I am sure by later this evening I will be somewhat sorry that I did so much walking around.

Off on the hunt again for that damned book!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there. In the unlikely case that you havent done that already, you might give these two sites a shot.

All the best