
Summer starts to fade away....

Well looks like football season is here. The one sport that I truly loathe and lucky me, I live in the heart of redneckville where this is the only sport apparently. Guess I will be watching a lot more of the History Channel and A&E.

My hatred of football stems from many things but one specific event stands out in my mind more then any other. I had a job where we had a break room with a TV. During the football season they would put it on the channel for the local team. We had this guy named Jim who would holler and shout at the TV constantly, you know the type, can play armchair quarterback better then the people who get paid to do it for a living. Well after one particular game where the local team took a beating this moron Jim got up and threw a chair through the screen and then started a fight with the people who were trying to calm him down.

Other then that it takes WAY TOO LONG to play. A 60 minute game goes for 2.5 hours, WTF is up with that? There is also not enough hitting or blood to suit my needs. I have always been more of a hockey fan (grew up watching the Islanders play) and a lacrosse fan (first Varsity letter). Fast moving and rough going, makes for a great game.

Pain level today is moderate so I have been on the darvocet since I got up. It is riding low today, real low in the small of the back and burning as well it feels like the knitting needle is being poked in at the same time. I did get to take a nap with the baby so I was at least able to zone for awhile. I see the doc tomorrow so I will ask him about the duragesic and hydrocodone.

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