
Dreaming in Visual Basic

Compared to the last several weeks I got to sleep in today. I did not get up until 0545 this morning and more importantly I fell asleep about 2100 last night. This is probable the first full nights sleep I have had in about 3 weeks. I did however wake with one of the famous headaches. Even with that though I feel refreshed and ready to go for the day.

I am in the middle of working on a project writing a macro in word 2000. Basically taking a form created in the VB editor and using it to fill in a template created in word. It has been sometime since I used Visual Basic and that was not VBA like I need for this project so it has been an experience so far. I actually had to leave it for a few days and come back to it as I was stuck on some lines of code. Syntax was killing me but after scouring the net yesterday I was able to find a snippet that I could adjust to suit my needs. Hopefully I will be able to wrap up the project this weekend and have it going by next week.

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