
Alternatives to depo-medrol epidural steroid injections

I only wish that I had done a little more research on what was out there prior to my journey. I was only to willing to accept the doc's word on my treatment, after all they are the experts. If nothing else I have learned that this is my body and I have a say in what I will and will not allow to happen to it.

While I don't believe the epidurals are what cause the archnoiditis (more likely was the myleogram) I did find some great info on what goes into the injections when depo-medrol is used.

I also have found that it should not be administered "blind" but rather it should be done under fluoroscopy to ensure accurate placement of the needle. Funny how you do not know these things until it is to late! In addition I have also found that there are alternatives to depo-medrol such as Kenalog and Celestone.

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