
Science can be wonderful

But in this case it isn't. Another bright and early morning here in the central plains. Fortunately I live in a city that does not allow farm animals on property otherwise I am sure any minute now the roosters would be crowing.

Very uncomfortable night. Not sure why but no position was comfortable for more then an hour or so. Seems like I was up and checking the clock every hour and while the AC was set for a comfortable range the room seemed awfully warm. I ended up just sleeping with the sheet instead of the comforter. Maybe the warmth was the whole problem, maybe it is all in my head!!!

The medrol is definitely wearing off. The low intensity burning in the lower back has come back as well the numbness in the toes and leg. It feels like I have to go to the bathroom all the time which is not a good thing. The Cauda Equina is the nerve bundle associated with this and if the arch or spondy has affected that area you're basically screwed. I would think that my last MRI in August would have picked that up but the doc did not mention it and neither does the radiology report I went and got. I will bring it up with the doc on the next visit unless it gets worse sooner then that.

Should be another nice day. It is in the mid 50's this morning and I doubt that we will get up 30 degrees from there. So my guess is mid 70's by 1500. The forecast for the week looks nice as well, nothing above the mid 80's through next Monday is forecast. Time to open the windows and air out the house!

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