
Still it begins needles and pins...

Well the baby decided to take a monster of a nap today. I guess I fell asleep with him for most of the time. I did not realize how tired I was!

The numbness is staring to return to the left leg and foot. No matter what I have done my foot feels like I am standing on pins and needles. My calf and knee are ok for now, my guess would be that in the next 3 or 4 days they will be the same as before the medrol. Damnit!

On top of all this now my insurance company is starting to deny coverage for some of the doctors visits saying it was pre-existing. While the spondy certainly was I have not been seen for that since June of last year. I was diagnosed with the arachnoiditis after benefits started so I don't see how this is pre-existing by their own guidelines. Hell, I did not even have the pain until after the policy started and was not diagnosed until months later. I will call them tomorrow and see what is going on. I have been down this road before so at least I know the way...


Mister Roboto said...

One thing upon which liberals and conservatives can agree: Far too many insurance companies are run by scumbags!

opforsoldier said...

You can say that again. Check your email!