
Just another day

Well pretty much a normal day. I spent it with my sons just hanging around and goofing off. I took them out to lunch and then for some frozen custard since their mom had to work this afternoon.

Pain level was moderate today but I laid off the meds so that I could drive the boys around town. We went and bought some stuff to make cookies and brownies tomorrow. Good ones, not those open the log and cut them up crappy cookies. Fresh from scratch cookies like mom used to make. Nothing better then something you have made yourself.

I paid in spades though for skipping the meds this morning. By the late afternoon my back was on fire and it seemed like the pain meds were not going to catch up at all. I ended up dozing off with the youngest when he went down for his nap and when I woke up I was good to go.

Tomorrow I will spend the day in the kitchen with them and show them how to bake. I figure we can make a few dozen cookies, a tray of brownies and then maybe a cheesecake (New York Style!) I have some great low fat recipes for all of them and they come out damn good IMHO.

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