
How lucky can one guy get?

Growing up almost everyone's parents tell them they are special. I never realized my mother was right though.

In the case of Spondylolisthesis only about 5-6% of males have spondy and even less then that, about 1% are diagnosed with arachnoiditis. How lucky can one guy get? What are the odds of being in the 5% and 1% range. I figure that gives me about .2% chance of getting both!!! Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket.

I spent half the night up in pain and the other half hacking up a lung. Seems I have caught some kind of chest cold that has left me wheezing and congested. I originally fell asleep on the couch but moved upstairs later. I woke in pain and stumbled for my meds and as I passed the clock realized that it was only 11pm. Man that sucks!

Finally got back to sleep only to be awoken at 0400 by what sounded like bowling balls crashing down on the roof and horrendous thunder that made it feel like both fronts were sitting right on my roof. Usually in the plains that type of weather would send you running for the basement but I was too tired and could not find the flashlight. I figured fuck it, if the roof blows away I have insurance. Hell my agent is probably taking bets on my next claim after this summer's storms. We lost the roof in June and in July my neighbors tree took out my fence and ripped all the utility lines out of the house.

So here I sit with a pot of coffee and nothing to do. Time to scour the net and read up on what is going on.

1 comment:

opforsoldier said...

Yea, but the couch reclines!