
Man it is going to be a nice day

Took a few minutes to run to the store as my supply of graham crackers was running low. It is crisp and cool outside, the way I like it. The trees are starting to turn colors which is also a good sign that the hot days of summer will be gone very soon. Of course that also means 8 dumpster loads of leaves from that damned elm tree in the neighbors yard. I am tempted to cut all the limbs hanging over into my yard down. Checked with the city and state and got the buzz on what I can and cannot do. I am free to trim away!!! The guy who owns the house rents it out and lives elsewhere in town. As a former rental owner myself I am appalled at the guys behavior when the city told him it was his tree he and he was legally bound to clear it and make reparations. Basically the guy is a putz.


Mister Roboto said...

I see from your profile you were born in June 1970. Would I be too forward if I asked the specific date, time, and place of your birth? I'm an amateur astrologer (Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Cancer Rising). Not to worry, I don't want to look at your natal chart so that I can be all "Oh, you have Saturn whompydoodling your Sun, which means you're a big jerk!" (Such behavior is considered very, very bad form among astrologers!) I just like to look at the charts of random people every now and then just for the helluvit. (What an exciting life I must lead, eh? ;-D )

opforsoldier said...

Send me an email to zymurgy9 at juno dot com and I will be glad to do that.