
Autumn is here...

Did not sleep well last night for some reason. I am not sure if it was the burning sensation in the lower back or the fact that I was sweating even though the bedroom was not hot. The burning though I am sure is coming from the medrol wearing off and the nerves being restricted by the scar tissue. I was able to make it tolerable with some pain meds and at least get some sleep.

Pain is all mind over matter, right? If you do not mind it does not matter. I would like to take the guy who said that beat his ass senseless and then ask him his opinion on pain.

Today should be nice as well as The Autumnal Equinox. It is fairly nice out right now at 60F/16C. They are saying we will be in the high 70's to the mid 80's by late afternoon. Looks like some rain for tomorrow but that should help cool it down some more. I am looking forward to being able to keep the windows open for a few weeks before it gets to cold.

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