
The early bird gets the worm?

I don't know about the worm but around here they get to make the first pot of coffee.

I actually got to sleep in today. I did not wake up until 0545! However this ibuprofin is not working worth a damn. If I did not think my doc would shot me later on for it I would go to the ER after office hours. The only other thing that prevents me from going is that both hospitals in this town do not have an ER doc staffing it. Since they are smaller hospitals they have an oncall doc who could be anything from the resident ob-gyn to the internal med doc. While I am sure they are great in their respective fields they may not be prepared for what comes in. I have been to the ER here once before and had to argue with the doc about an anti-biotic. I had a bad case of strep and ended up in the ER. I am allergic to PCN and pretty much immune to erythromycin. I told him that tetracycline works for strep and that I have had in the past with no adverse reactions. We literally argued for 5 minutes before he ripped out the PDR and verified what I was saying. Needless to say, I am not a fan of the ER in this town.

The pain is slowly moving up the spine and where I had surgery before is tight and swollen. I have taken 10mg of flexeril but it is not helping the knot at all. I may add another 10mg in a few minutes. While it is written for 5-10mg's 3X daily the max dosage can be up to 60mg a day.

The doc has office hours this morning so maybe I will jump in the shower and head that way.

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