

Well I guess it has been a non-eventful day. We went over to Home Depot to see about getting the deck sliding glass doors replaced with steel French doors with the double pained windows and the vertical blinds between the windows. We have had this house for 3 years and have hated the deck doors from day one. We also looked at some privacy fence for the south side of the backyard. Finally block out the blight of a yard next door. How could someone let their house become that funky and dilapidated?

Found some cool stuff as well as all the summer stuff that is on sale now like the lawnmower we have looked at like 100 times. It was almost half off and is now just $499. It is one of those beasts that cuts, mulches and vacuums. Since we have a ton of trees we spend a lot of time in the fall raking and bagging. It would be nice to have the mower do it all for you. They also had some grills on sale. Our's is on it's last leg and should be put out to pasture.

I also stopped by the pharmacy to pick up my refill of meds. They kill me with the way they do business. It is the same prescription I have had before only this time the doc wrote it for double the amount. It still only cost the $5 co-pay. There are some meds that are cheaper for me to buy without the co-pay. I have a 3 tier plan that is divided into Generic/Preferred/Non-Preferred. The last one is the one that kills me. It is basically for drugs that have no generic equals like Flexiril 5mg. Now there is a flexiril 10mg that has a generic and is only $5 co-pay but if I get the 5mg pills then I have to pay the higher co-pay which is like $75. That is all fine except if I get the 5mg pills and do not use the insurance card they are only $55. There are a few other meds that it is like that as well. You leave the pharmacy scratching your head.

Anyway, know that I know that I can get more for the same price I will mention it to the doc and see if he will write them all like that. I know it may not seem like much but when you spend about $150 a month on meds every penny saved helps.

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