
Let's Roll!

These are some of the last words from Todd Beamer before he and several other passengers stopped the hijackers of flight 93 from finishing their mission. It is because of the brave men and women aboard that flight and their disregard for their own safety that the casualty numbers were not higher that day. They cared enough about their fellow man that they epitomize the truest sense of selfless sacrifice. I only hope that we all can live up to the standards set that day and continue on as Americans.

Many hero's were born that day and sadly many of them died. Three years later I still have trouble holding back the emotions that were present that day. The sadness at the loss of innocent lives and the anger over who would do such a thing. The sadness only tempered by the selfless acts of thousands of people who raced to the scene to aid those in need.

The hero's though did not stop that day. They continued on and brought the fight to the front door of those who were behind this deed. They continue to hunt them down and hold them accountable for their actions. These hero's are the sons and daughters of our neighbors and they are our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. They continue to sacrifice their own safety and at times have paid for freedom with their own blood. They too are hero's.

I find it increasingly difficult to put into words what I feel and think about this. I know some of those who have died in both the attacks and in the war on terror and it tears at me inside that they had to die. It hurts that people would perpetrate such acts of terror on innocent victims and then rejoice in their deaths. What kind of a sick person do you have to be to do such a thing?

The country came together like I had never seen before that day. While we must carry on with our own lives we must never forget what happened that day.

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