
Relief at last

Well it looks like I finally got the doctor to agree that I am the best judge of my pain levels. While I would have preferred hydrocodone 5/500 as I can take one or two as needed I will at least have some comfort from the darvocet 100's. Only problem is you cannot take two at once when the pain is bad and one is not cutting it as well they only last four hours compared to 6 for the hydrocodone. At the same time though I understand that we start with smaller amounts and as tolerance builds we will move on to something else rather then starting in the middle and being screwed down the road.

The medrol is wearing off slowly but surely. More and more each day the numbness and pain returns to my leg and foot and it is only a matter of time before it is all back. I don't think though that I am willing to do the medrol route again. Even watching the diet and trying to get on the bike as often as possible I still gained some weight. One of the toughest issues is weight! While I am far from being obese I do like to keep my weight in check as lower weight does indeed equate to lower pain levels as this progresses.

I see the doc next week and I am planning on asking about Duragesic patches. They are fentanyl patches that time release small doses to moderate pain. No more of the waiting to be in pain and then popping pills. I also understand that the patches do not have the euphoric effect of some of the pills. I would say that is the biggest draw back to the pills.

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