
Why can't I be you

Well another 0500 morning. Guess I should start going to bed a little later that way I can sleep until 0700. Oh well, at least this way I get 2-3 hours on my own without needing to tend to ouches, snacks and anything else that comes along.

I wonder sometimes does my family truly understand what is going on with me. They know that this is not all in my head. They saw me in the ICU after surgery and they saw me dealing with the PT for months after that. No matter how I explain my situation to them though I sometimes feel like I am beating my head against a wall. I know and understand their concerns about meds and addiction. I know their fears are founded in reality of another family member who did have a problem that cost them their life. I only hope they understand that I am fully aware of what I take and how I treat those meds. I am not willing to become a junky just so I don't have to feel the pain.

My sister has tried to talk me into going to a chiropractor. I like that she is concerned and has offered solutions, but after talking to my neurosurgeon and primary care doc I have come to the conclusion that it is not something I want to do right now. The areas affected by the pain are where I have had fusion and instrumentation. The risk of re-injury or worse new injuries/breaking hardware are foremost concerns and apparently very possible with some of the methods used.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about family not fully understanding. They can not fully feel the pain but they do see it in your eyes and your body posture. I was diagnosed with Arnold-Chiara Malformation in 2000 had a decompression but have went down hill. To many doctors and way to many drugs from some of the doctors. I read a little about what you have, will stimulators work for what you have. I have them going up the back of my head to try and alieve the headaches, works some but the migraine's get ER bad at times.
Keep up the fight and don't let it win.
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