
Black coffee in bed

So, 0445 this morning I wake up. I am not talking about I rolled out of bed and stumbled through the house until the first pot of coffee was gone, I mean BLAM! eyes wide open and not tired. The pain was moderate but probably not what woke me, more likely was the fact that I suddenly wanted S.O.S or some eggs Benedict from The Delectable Egg in Denver. My wife and I eat there on every trip we make to Denver as well as go for a stroll up and down the 16th Street Mall.

LoDo (lower downtown) in Denver is a kick ass place. If you are a craft beer fan as I am then this is like a pilgrimage that must be made. Denver is also the home to the Great American Beer Festival and as some of the best breweries in the country. Tons of other stuff to do there as well as Denver is home to Coors Field and Six Flags Denver. It is just a great getaway location and if you go in the last weeks of summer or early fall the weather is awesome. Nice and cool, not cold and not hot. You can walk around in shorts and a light sweater and be comfortable.

We have tons going on this week and hopefully it is enough to keep my mind on other things. It has been unseasonably cool here and that is great. It means more time outside moving around which while it is painful, I would rather be doing that then sitting around the house aching. Maybe I will go hit the bookstore today and grab a book on VBA so I can finish writing this damn macro.

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