
Relief at last

I finally had enough of the nagging pain and called the doctor. I know during our last conversation he was very anti prescribing anything for pain and instead put me on NSAID's which have done squat. I was on COX-2 inhibitors as well as some other NSAID's and even working together they could not cut through the pain on the bad days. I just got a call back from the doctor's office and they are going to call in Darvocet N-100. Not my first choice as it does not get all the pain it is a start. It will at least keep all the pain within a manageable range and that is all I ask.

1 comment:

Mister Roboto said...

I don't know how helpful this would be to someone with spinal chord problems, but I've noticed recently as I've gotten older that mattresses as they're currently designed don't really help your back. Whenever I need to catch up on a lot of sleep, I tend to lie on my back. And the most I can do that is six or seven hours. After that, the pain in my lower back muscles won't let me get back to sleep.