
Thank God It's Friday!!!

Not really though. Since I work from home I can pretty much make any day Friday if I feel like it.

Got to bed fairly early last night. The baby refused to take a nap during the day. He just sat there staring back at me whenever I tried to put him down to sleep. I figured it would be hell trying at bed time as when he is over tired he is super cranky. I was shocked, about 18:45 he just dozed off in my lap. Since the wife was at work and the oldest does not have school today I took the baby upstairs and let the oldest watch Cartoon Network until 21:00.

I slept pretty well but woke up with a headache and a sore back. The burning sensation is still lingering but I found that if I recline on the couch (the ends recline like a LA-Z-BOY) and put a pillow under my knees I can get rather comfortable and reduce the pain level some. Works well if I have a few hours to just relax and not have to worry about playing taxi.

I did get some work done as well, but sitting in the chair can become rather tiresome and I need to take a break every few hours or so. I need to find a better chair then this one someday. I was thinking of switching all my work over to laptop and buying a recliner for the office. I would be able to get tons more done if I did not have to get up every 2-3 hours. Time to start dropping hints for Christmas!!!

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