
A pain in the ass

A literal pain in the ass. The medrol seems to have helped some but I am still having some pain in the lower back and left leg. Sometimes I wonder if the pain is ever going to stop or is this how it is going to be till the end? I guess what really gets me is that when we found something that worked I was taken off of it by the doc. I understand the problems some people may end up having with narcotic pain meds but when a 5 day supply lasts me 4 times as long I think it is somewhat an irrational fear. The doc and I have sat and discussed this before and I thought we understood each other but I guess not. Tylenol and Motrin just don't cut it when the pain gets intense. Imagine someone jabbing a knitting needle into your back constantly and then add to that the feeling like you have to go to the bathroom all the time. After awhile it becomes frustrating and tiresome and you have to wonder does the doctors truly understand how it is from your perspective.

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