
What is your major malfunction numbnuts?

Another excellent morning and a brisk 52F. The summer is certainly changing to fall quickly here and that is fine by me. It was cold enough last night that the house is 2 degrees cooler in the morning then when I went to bed. Of course that makes me all to happy as it was still comfortable but no electricity was used. I can only imagine what my utility bill is going to look like for August. While it was not 100+ this year the AC did run a good amount. Those price gouging bastards at the electric company are to busy lining their own pockets to worry about the little guy.

Feeling rather good this morning. A little stiff in the lower back but not to bothersome right now. Some light tingling in the leg and foot but what else is new? Maybe I can hit the gym this morning and ride the Recumbent bike. I would love to be able to hit the weights again but no compression of the spinal cord is the order of the day for now. Since the bike is seated and adjusts to each person it can be made to be comfortable enough to go for about 30 minutes every other day. Much more then that and it seems like I aggravate the arachnoiditis.

One of the biggest problems I faced after surgery was dealing with my weight. I dropped from 200lbs to 183lbs over the 4 weeks I was really down and out. My diet was pretty much Orange Juice and Yogurt as it was the only thing that I really cared to eat. Once I was up and moving again my appetite returned so I needed to make sure I did not rocket into the fat boy zone. Well we have always eaten rather healthy I needed to really start watching more then just that. A calorie restriction was about the only way to do it. Before surgery I was very active and my job required a ton of heavy lifting that helped keep me in shape. Once that went away though... Eating 2800-3200 calories a day was not going to work.

1 comment:

Mister Roboto said...

We're having a real Indian Summer here in Wisconsin. Of course, if I want to be a good liberal, I would call it a "Native American Delayed Autumnal Equinox"! :-D