
Just another day

It is a nice cool crisp morning. Almost time to break out the sweaters and stoke the fireplace.

If course another early morning but this time I had a mission. I needed to get some more coffee, creamer and juice. Nothing like running out of everything when you need it most. A quick trip to the grocery store and all is well in lala land.

Slight headache this morning and a very stiff lower back, must mean rain is coming soon. Not a lot of lower back pain this morning but the stinging numbness is there as well is the pain in the left arm from when the damaged the radial nerve. That usually goes away fairly quickly and while it is annoying it is generally not high on the pain scale.

I am a little miffed though. My magazine subscriptions all seem to have ended. That leaves my Monday and Tuesday wide open with nothing to read. I thought I signed for a 2 year subscription on all of them, guess I did not though. Now we will have to wait until the magazine drive starts again. We get them through my sons school and they get a portion of the deal. Since it helps keep tuition low I am all for it. I guess I can suffer and read the online version. :-)

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