
The clouds have moved in and the wind has picked up and they are calling for thunderstorms after midnight. Should make for an interesting night as the storms in the early spring can become quite violent.

Using the Lidoderm® patches at night has been extremely beneficial in getting a decent nights rest. Whereas I used to have to adjust my position quite frequently(once an hour or so) because of the pain I am now only having to do so every 2 hours or so through the night. That in turn means better rest which helps with the pain during the day. Since I can only wear the patches for a 12 hour period before I have to do without them for 12 hours.

If they came out with one for 24 hour wear I think I might be able to maybe do some part time work in a clerical setting. Sitting for 2 hours before having to stand for a small bit (20 minutes or so) would not be so bad but without the patch the longest I can go sitting is about 30 minutes and then I would have to be able to stand for a like period.

I also am finally done reducing the dosage of Lamictal® and have not had to take it for the last few nights. Since the final dose was taken the rash has completely gone away. That obviously brings relief not just from the itching but the possible side effects of the Lamictal®.


Saija said...

if the storm is violent ... take pictures! i am always trying to capture those weather pics ... and not always successfully either ... sigh ... ?

we had sunshine and 55F or so ... and it should be close to 70 on friday ... i can't believe it ... winter has been so long ...

hope the storm isn't to severe for you guys ... !!

opforsoldier said...

It must not have been too bad because I slept right on through it. Looks like today and tonight are set for storms as well!

I will indeed be taking pictures. I even got a video camera to be able to film some of the storms. Last year we caught 2 funnels forming right over us one of which dropped down, turned in to an F4 and then destroyed most of the area just south of me.

Funny thing is that living in this area you would think when the tornado sirens went off people would head to protected areas. Instead it is like a giant neighborhood BBQ. Everyone is on the backdeck with a camera and shooting the breeze.