
Still working on some issues with the car and the insurance but it is coming along. I stopped by the repair shop today and signed the power of attorney and the work order for them to start. The power of attorney is for them to cash the checks from he insurance company since they will come to them in both mine and their name. Rather then having to run down there each time they get a check this makes it easier.

I was raised to try and find the good in each situation. Admittedly this has been a tough one to try and apply the rule to but I have done so nonetheless. A few weeks before this happened my wife and I were discussing having some work done on the car. We have had it for 3 years so the brakes needed some work, the tires were probably within 15K miles of having to be replaced, a lube job and some other small things we were discussing. Nothing major but they would have to be addressed by Christmas time.

Well by applying the good to the bad we find that we are getting 3 out of 4 tired replaced. I will pay for the 4th just to have 4 new ones at the same time. Instead of spending $600 on tires it will be $98, which means more good news. I am only paying the dealer rate for the tire, not the resale rate. We are also getting new brakes in the rear as well as a ton of new suspension parts. I will call them on Monday and ask if they can just go ahead and do the front brakes while they are at it. They should just need to turn the rotors on the lathe and change the pads so it should not be to expensive.

I also found out that when all the parts are replaced, which are way more then I can list in this post, they are going to re-paint the car as well as apply a new clear coat to it. The list of replacement parts is amazing as they have pieces on there that I did not even realize had been damaged. However, since I am not a certified mechanic or mechanically inclined for that matter I defer to those who are. If they say it has to go, then it goes.

While talking with the owner of the body shop he said they were shooting for the 20th to have the car done but a more realistic timeline will be the last week of the month. I told him that since we have the rental car and are getting things taken care of I am in no rush and that they should take their time to make sure the job is done properly.

1 comment:

Saija said...

your glass is definitely half full! sounds like some good came out of it ... :o)