
I hate arachnoiditis...

I did not feel like doing that much today and that is exactly what I did. This is one of those days where I truly hate having arachnoiditis. Nothing especially went wrong and the day was not so bad but every now and then I just get tired of being in pain. The look in peoples faces as they wonder why this otherwise perfectly healthy looking 30 something is hobbling through the parking lot and aisles of the stores. Somedays it just sucks, thankfully those days are not often. Maybe I should fly to Canada and go fishing with Leo for an afternoon.

My back and foot have been burning for some time and I really did not feel like doing much. I did however traipse through the grocery store since we needed to go shopping, all the cupboards were bare and I had been out of Smore's Pop-Tarts for 3 days. Thankfully the store was not full and I did not have to watch out for all the silver haired daredevils. You know the ones who believe that since they are older then dirt they automatically have the right of way. We made our trip as quick as possible and were home in time for lunch and the youngest's nap.

I spent some time in the chair just vegging since my back was screaming "I hate you" since early this morning. I figure it is due in part to the horrible sleep I have been getting. Between my own problem sleeping and my youngest one snapping awake at 3am I did not get much sleep so on top of the back I was a walking zombie for most of the day.

We also got rid of the dog tonight. We adopted him several months ago and would love to keep him but he also has a problem with being alone. If we left him alone for even just 20 minutes he would tear the house apart and when we are home he would take food off the counters, tear the upstairs apart and generally just act like a pain in the butt. We had adopted the dog as part of a rescue, since all our animals are rescues, we were able to get him back to the rescue where they will work on getting him a new home. They at least now know he is not a single pet, he needs to have a companion with him or they will have some issues.

Sorry to see him go but I cannot afford for him to keep tearing stuff apart. Today was the final straw as while we were shopping he not only tore into the trash and dragged it all over the house he also destroyed my youngest sons wooden stacking blocks that we had to special order. The dog actually had to go in to the closet and take them out to chew on them so it was not like we left one out and he got to it.

My back is killing me right now, throbbing and there is no position that really seems comfortable. Maybe it is my being so tired that is affecting it so I am going to turn out the lights, open a window since it is so cool outside and then just veg out for the evening.

I do have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I will have to make sure I get my list together to discuss with him. Hopefully he will be able to give me something for those odd nights when I cannot sleep.

1 comment:

Saija said...

Leo says come fishing!

somedays i don't know who hates the arach more ... me or leo ... ? he has the pain, i have the watching his pain - frustrated because i can't help more ...

but there are the good days too, when we are so thankful for the blessings ...

sigh ...

leo is coming along with me to an oil change/Walmart/Canadian Tire trek tomorrow ... usually i go alone, but i asked him if he wanted to come along, since he hadn't been "shopping" for awhile (he used to get all our deals and good buys) ... he said he would ... so i hope he gets more pleasure than pain out of our trip!

gotta hit the sack ... hope you have a good deep healing sleep! ((hugs))