
Happy Birthday!

Today was my wife's birthday. Since we did all those projects last month we promised each other that we would not do anything for the birthdays other then the DVD burner we bought. I felt bad not having anything for her, even though we promised but she quickly reminded me that she did not buy anything for me on mine in June.


I made some KC Strips which were a treat as we normally do not buy them as they are a bit more then we care to spend. I did some corn on the cob as well as some yellow squash and zucchini in the cast iron skillet with some sweet onions and garlic. I smoked everything on the grill using some hickory chips and it came out kick ass. The steaks were done perfectly and with just a pinch of salt and pepper they were tasty, tasty, tasty! I always cook the corn on the grill as well by soaking it for a few minutes in cold water and then husks and all putting them on the top level of the grill.

Happy Birthday baby, I love you more then you will ever know.


Stacy said...

Tell your lovely wife that I said Happy Birthday. Your dinner sounds wonderful. She is luck to have a husband that can cook. My husband is a wonderful cook as well. Unfortunately though I have spoiled him, and I do most of the cooking, and leave the outside work to him.

I have got to try the corn on the grill. Everybody cooks theirs like that.

Hope your wife had a great birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mrs. Opforsoldier. ;)

You did good E!