
Blogger, again and again...

I tried to post last night and for several hours all I got was an error from Blogger.

First day of school for the oldest today. Hard to believe he is in Junior High already. Of course they no longer call it Junior High School, it is "middle school" and it's only 2 grades (7-8). Not sure what the big change was about but I suppose someone somewhere was offended by the "Junior" aspect of it because in addition to the name change they have added a "graduation" at the end of 8th grade.

He was fairly excited to get back to school but like most kids it was more about seeing his friends then actually being in school. Sadly his good friend is not returning this year. His parents have opted to send him back to public school as they will be moving out of the district shortly.

I feel bad for his friend as I know what it is like to have to start in a whole new school and then be yanked from that one and start all over AGAIN somewhere else. My fathers being in the military ensured that I would have that happen to me more then once. It happened so often that I went to 3 different High Schools in 3 different states from 10-12th grade. I went to 10th in NY, 11th in Kansas and 12th in Missouri. Each time having to start completely over, I did not even have any siblings in the school with me so when I hit those front doors it was all me. I guess I would not be so "eh" about it had my brother and sister dealt with the same thing but they both got to go to the same High School from start to finish.

My wife just got back from dropping him off and apparently the second the car pulled up and the door opened he was mobbed by a pack of girls. I think I told this story before, the girls LOVE my son and apparently he is the "talk of the town" according to a few of the other moms. Looks like he will have a good year.

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