
The Z monster caught me!

You all know my little guy and his naps. He hates them, will fight them every step of the way and will certainly never just fall asleep on his own let alone on the floor.

We just finished dinner and he and his brother were playing on the floor in front of the table while I was online doing some reading and waiting for his bath time at 6:15. About 6:05 I hear that familiar heavy breathing of a toddler who is sleeping and sure enough...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

What a handsome little guy. His big brother must have played and played with him. They always look so sweet when they are sleeping. My big boy passes out on the floor and couch and floor often since he has been home on R&R, and I just can't help but snap pictures myself, as they are priceless.

Hopefully you will get to feeling better real soon.