
Thanks Jackass

Thanks to the likes of jackass spammers I have closed my blogger based comments to only registered members of Blogger.


opforsoldier said...

It ticked me off to see new comments only to have them be spam. Thankfully I have the Haloscan comments as well where non-blogger folks can leave comments. From there if I recieve spam I can block their IP address.

Saija said...

once i'm finished work, i should bug you to help me (ie. with the formula or where i find it in the template!) re getting blogger comments back up - beside my haloscan ... with my s-l-o-w internet i am waiting for the fall the play with stuff again ... time is at a premium in the summer ...

hope all is well in your household!

Stacy said...

Go check out what I found at the airport yesterday. Talk about a surprise when my phone rang.