
Tagged, again.

10 years ago- I was a snot nosed twenty-something fresh out of the Army and a marriage. I was working as a craps and poker dealer for a casino and wondering where I was supposed to go from here.

5 years ago- I was a newlywed, a "freshmen" in college and working on finishing the custody documents of my son from my first marriage.

1 year ago- I was diagnosed with arachnoiditis (exactly 1 year ago today). Not knowing much about it I hit the web and discovered a wealth of information on these things called "blogs" and decided to start one of my own to chronicle my days with arachnoiditis and spondylolisthesis. That was one year ago this week (the 27th).

Yesterday- I sat around the house working on a web site for my sons school. Since he goes to Catholic School I am trying to help defray the cost by doing small projects that they would have otherwise had to pay a company for. My wife began a much earned and needed mini-vacation, 4.5 days off.

5 Snacks I enjoy are Pop-Tarts (Hot Fudge Sundae!), Chocolate Ice Cream, Mini-Hershey bars, Peanut M&M's and Cheese Sticks.

5 Songs I know all the words too- Rambling Man (The Allman Bros Band), Down on the Corner (CCR), Master of Puppets (Metallica), Skin O My Teeth (Megadeath), Bodies (Drowning Pool).

5 Things I would do with $100 Million- Donate to spinal cord and brain injury research, Pay off all the mortgages for my mom& dad, father in law and brother and sister, buy a new car (mini van with DirecTv and TivO!), drive the mini-van across the US visiting historical sites and set up trust funds for my sons and my nephews/nieces.

5 Places I would run away too- I would like to go some place tropical like Saipan, Guam or Thailand. Perhaps China or Japan as well as I have always had a fascination with their cultures.

5 Things I would never wear- A dress, stockings, leotards, high heeled shoes or wonder-bra.

5 Favorite TV shows- The Shield, Law & Order, Law & Order SVU, The Simpsons, Family Guy

5 Biggest joys- My first marriage, my first wife leaving me, my son being born, my marriage, my son being born.

5 Favorite toys- My laptop, my Mini-DV camera, my Camera, My TiVo & my DVD burner.

5 People I tag to do this....Bridget, Stacy, Mare, Kelly and A Military Mom.

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