
As promised

These are some of the pictures I took the other night of the boys.

My youngest and myself!

My youngest and his favorite food group, POP-TARTS!

Giving his brother a kiss.


Stacy said...

Your youngest looks like he could be a ladies little man. He is just so cute. My soldier still loves his pop tarts.

opforsoldier said...

I think Pop-Tarts are the best thing since sliced cheese! When I was on AD we actually had a guy in my unit that everyone called pop-tart because when ever you would see him he would have a pop-tart in hand. :-)

Both the boys can attract the ladies. My youngest always has the 2 little girls next door always hanging around waiting for him.

The oldest is funnier. Seeing that I am the stay at home dad I am involved with my sons class as much as I can. Of course all the moms are always telling me about how their girls talk about him.