
Wide awake...

I woke up at about 3am and cannot get back to sleep. Sometimes I curse those horrible tricks I learned in the Army, like getting by for days on end with little sleep. Sometimes I wonder if that does not have some effect on me currently. I moved down to the recliner when my wife got home from work in hopes of finding comfort but even after taking my pain meds I am not only still awake but very uncomfortable.

It was a late night for her since she had to train the new manager on their closing procedures. The good news is that this new manager gives them a full compliment, they are no longer running half staffed and her days should return to a somewhat normal routine. Even better is that one other manager lives in town where before my wife was the only one. That made her the most likely candidate for closing shifts. Since she could close and be home within 10 minutes rather then the others who would still have close to an hour drive. I did not like her closing that much but I understand it from a safety perspective as well. It is not their fault a lot of the management lives out of town.

I did the grocery shopping yesterday or at least the second half of it. We really need to start buying the Wednesday and Sunday papers if for nothing else the coupons. Now I am pretty frugal when it comes to groceries only buying what we need save a few "goodies" like the pop-tarts and some cookies but it seems that with the rising fuel costs comes rising grocery bills.

The shopping was not too bad though. The store was fairly empty and they have finally re-arranged the store a bit making the aisles a bit easier to navigate. No one ran into me with their cart this time, no screaming kids yelling "buy me this and buy me that" at least not with me. I was able to get in, grab what we needed and get back out in less then an hour and while it was not painless (nothing ever is now) it was not as bad as previous trips. Of course it was also nice to have a few minutes to myself.

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