
One year and counting...

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since I started this blog. Tomorrow marks the year of my first post and I have to say that when I started this blog I really did not know where it would take me and I certainly was not thinking about a year later.

I started it hoping to share my own experiences and what I have learned about spinal cord injuries and along the way I have made some great friends. Saija, Kelly, A Military Mom, Stacy, Bridget, Mare and many other wonderful people who have come by to offer me encouragement when I was down as well as a few laughs here and there. Truly without them this blog would not have made it the first year.

Hopefully in this past year something I have posted has been of help to someone, that is a big reason for this blog. I am hoping that perhaps my experiences with spondylolisthesis, spondylolisis and arachnoiditis will help someone else avoid a few of the pitfalls and/or the crackpots I have run in to along the way. Yup, I am going with that old cliché of "if I have helped one person then it has all been worth it!" Of course the therapeutic side of blogging has been a big help to me as well. Having a forum to just go on and on about whatever is on my mind has been a big help, especially since it does not talk back, give smart ass answers or cut you off mid-sentence!

Here is to a second year!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Keep on blogging. I enjoy your post.

Sorry that I have not been a good blogger friend these last two weeks. My son was home on R&R, and I did not do a lot of blogging. Now that he has returned to Iraq, I have got to get back into the swing of things. My heart is just not been in it since he left yesterday. I have had to make myself get online to read some of my favorite blogs.

Glad that things are going good for you and your family.

Take care.