
We have had a break in this heat, finally. However it came with 2 inches of rain in about 45 minutes which on a 100+ year old house is not the best thing. We spent 20 minutes running around looking for the leaks in the ceilings. Sad thing is that the main roof needs re-roofing badly but it seems to be holding up well. It is the 2 lower roofs both of which seem to be in good condition that are leaking. Thankfully only during the heaviest rains but right now we can't afford to have them re-done and I am in no shape to do it myself.

You would think that after receiving the epidural I would be getting some relief but that is just not the case. I understand that they do not work instantly and I am not asking for that, but some relief would be nice. Instead I am seeing an increase in symptoms of the left foot and leg, it still feels like someone plugged me in. The headache did finally go away however which is a plus.

Now having had epidurals before I understand the risks involved in having them. One of the side effects if the shot is not done perfectly is a wicked bad headache. Now priority to this epidural I have had about 9 of them (you lose count after a few) and I have never had a headache like the one I had with this one, I could actually taste the shot.

I am not so sure I want to continue with this series of epidurals but I am torn. I mean the arachnoiditis is not going away and the epidurals have never seemed to work before. My concern though is that there are better treatments out there and without crossing this bridge I won't be able to get to those treatments.

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