
Cameras and the Social Security Administration...

I figured I did not have enough pictures of the boys, especially my older one so I took out the camera this evening. My plan was to get some un-posed, candid shots of them as they went about their day. The plan lasted about 30 seconds.

As soon as the youngest saw the camera he was all about wanting to push the button while my oldest was all about getting his brother to do stupid stuff every time I tried to take a picture. I don't know how many pictures of my youngest jamming a finger up his nose I deleted but we killed the batteries.

The batteries are charging and I plan on being fast asleep before they finish so I will post the pictures tomorrow.

The breakthrough pain has been intense today and I cannot figure it out. I ended up slapping on two lidoderm patches well before I would put them on just to ease some the pain. It got to be so intense after lunch that oxycodone was not even working. I see the doctor this week for refills so I will ask about upping the dose a bit.

I also finished the Social Security appeal the other day and got that mailed back in time for that case to be heard. I am hoping that this time we get a favorable ruling but in case we do not I have already spoken with an attorney.

With the appeal I included all the changes that have occurred since I originally filed for disability. Of course my reasons for the appeal rather then being the standard "I do not agree with your decision" were all the facts of my disability and what it has and continue to prevent me from doing. Since I do not know what records the doctors are sending when they request them I made sure to include every little thing I could think of, everything that has happened since I filled out the original application. I do not care if it only happened once, it is on that paper.

From what I understand of this portion of the process they have 60 days to make a decision and from there it would require a court case before an administrative law judge. Of course this is just what I know from reading the pile of crap they sent to me, if it is incorrect hopefully someone will let me know.

Of course there is always the other option they give you. Drop your appeal and re-apply for benefits. I had to laugh at that one because that starts the clock all over again. It would mean filling out that ream of paperwork, more visits to the doctor, their shrink and then their surgeon for evaluations. While in retrospect it is actually a simple process the time involved in it all makes me say, "no thanks, I will take my chances with the appeal." Here's hoping we have a favorable ruling as well that I filled out the papers correctly.

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