
My little guy has decided that rather then sleep he wants to be wide awake (at 12:30am) and watch "tubbies" and read a book. Of course he is also munching on a banana and asking for chicken. I am not sure why he is up right now but he did not eat much yesterday so perhaps hunger woke him up? He had a good dinner but just refused to eat, which was a repeat performance of lunch and breakfast. I know, kids are like that at times but it still does not make it any easier for moms and dads.

The good news is that I, as was mom, wide awake. We had just finished watching a VERY LAME movie called Kings Ransom. Save yourself a few dollars and don't rent this one. It had 2 good laughs in the whole movie and both of them came in the last 5 minutes. It was 200% predictable and they wore out more old gags then I could count. Tomorrow though we watch Million Dollar Baby which I am looking forward too.

Tonight my son has his best friend spending the night. These boys are like peas in a pod during the school year so I am sure the 2 months my son was at his moms house was killing them both. They spent most of the day tucked away upstairs playing the Xbox and PS2 and swiping sodas and snacks from the fridge. Typical boy stuff...

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