
Loyalty and respect must be earned...

An uneventful day really other then the fact it is the 4th day of rain. The first full day of school so we are working on adjusting everyone's schedules, mostly my youngest. I was lax over the summer when it came to wakeup and nap times but now I need to be able to get his nap started before 1pm so that we can make it to pick up the oldest on time.

My back has really been bothering me for the last week and change. It really started burning as did my leg and foot a few day after getting the epidural from the crackpots so I have decided it is time for me to find a different doctor to handle that aspect of my pain management. Between the poor service from the staff to the over billing I am just not happy with this company. Top that off when they called to confirm my appointment they had both my first and last name incorrect. It is like this everytime I deal with them so I am done.

I called my insurance company and hot damn they now have a few anesthesiologists in my area I can see. One of them was on my surgical team so I am going to try to get in to see her. The better news is that her office according to the insurance company is in the hospital complex right behind my house. If that is where she will be seeing me then my "drive" to the appointment will be a 5 minute walk. No wandering the parking lot looking for a space, no having to spend an hour to drive there and then back. Heck I can make the appointment for their first one in the morning and be in and out before breakfast.

I know there is not much they can do to relieve the pain from arachnoiditis (no matter how much that crackpot insisted it was curable) but if they can provide me any kind of relief then I am all over it. However before that can happen I have to trust the doctor and staff that will be treating me and quite possible operating on me at some point. With the crackpots that was obviously not going to happen. From their constant over/incorrect billing, insisting on treatments I was not comfortable going through and the confusion on more then one occasion of who I was and what I was there for it was time for me to move on.

I feel that it is the doctor who has to earn my trust and respect, not the other way around. Sure they went to medical school and all the training to be a doctor but that is not enough for me. As well the staff a doctor employs is a direct reflection on the doctor and if they are not making the grade then neither is the doctor.

Yes, I am hard on doctors and their staff but it is my life. Literally. With the procedures they insist upon performing and the medicines they give me a life is in the balance, mine. However when I find a doctor, and believe it or not the crackpots are the first doctor I have ever left, I am loyal to them.

One thing to always remember. When a doctor hangs that diploma on the wall it does not tell you what kind of grades they earned it just says they graduated. Even the guy who got straight C's gets to be called "Doctor", And while the world may be run by "C" students that is not the same thing as having spinal surgery by a "C" student IMHO.

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