
Epidurals revisited...

Here is some information I found while looking up information on epidurals. It is from the Coventry Pain Clinic and I had to share it so others might see how the spinal column relates to the pain you might experience. The points are called dermatomes, which are areas of the skin supplied by nerves originating from a single spinal nerve root.

For me all the pain is centered in the lower part of the back, basically from right above the small of the back and then it runs down my left leg and into the foot. While going down the left leg it crosses over from the back to the front at the knee. This tells us that the damage for me is in the lumbar spine and most likely involved the L3,4 & 5 nerve roots. Of course we have confirmed that by CT Scan and MRI.

The Second image is also from the same source and it shows how the different sections of the lumbar spine affect the legs. You can see where I am talking about how my pain crosses over at the knee and how there is a nerve root that corresponds to that pain.

When an epidural is given the doctor is attempting to place the shot into the epidural space¹. The medication generally contains an anesthetic (lidocaine) to provide some relief from pain as well as an anti-inflammatory such as triamcinolone. Working together they can provide relief for up to three weeks.

Hopefully this helps explain where some of those aches and pains might be originating from for a few of you. Remember that even short term back pain is no laughing matter. It could be a sign of an underlying condition and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. A quick xray and/or CT Scan can verify any irregularities and if need be you can start a course of treatment. The longer you wait to more likely it is there will be little you can do to correct the problem. Also remember then many back injuries do not require any surgery, they can be effectively treated through stretching and muscle toning exercises.

¹-Here is an image of the epidural space.

Image courtesy of The Mayfield Clinic

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